21st April, 201421st April, 2014 Dave Rough Stuff Fellowship Easter 2014 Cycling At long last I got to go to a Rough Stuff meet. The South West of England doesn’t have a local group, with most of Share this:ShareTweetEmail
11th April, 201411th April, 2014 Dave Back on Home Ground Life After 5 months, 7 countries, 7 ferries and 4,500 miles of driving, we finally return to where we started, Hellwell Bay at Watchet. The suns Share this:ShareTweetEmail
6th April, 20146th April, 2014 Dave In Bruges Life The last two days of the current tour, and what better way to round it off but with a trip to Bruges. We’ve been twice Share this:ShareTweetEmail
2nd April, 20146th April, 2014 Dave The Eifel National Park and Ordensburg Vogelsang Life After the Rhine, we headed North West into the Eifel. A region I didn’t even know existed, it borders Luxembourg and Belgium and is a Share this:ShareTweetEmail