24th October, 201625th March, 2017 Dave Loch Fyne Life A breakdown. Not emotionally, we are both just fine, but the van decided it wanted a holiday of its own and decided it needed the Share this:ShareTweetEmail
20th October, 201621st October, 2016 Dave Killbery Life Sunsets. They’ve been a little scarce so far this trip, I was starting to wonder if we’d have any. From Tarbert, we headed around the Share this:ShareTweetEmail
19th October, 201621st October, 2016 Dave Tarbert Life Tarbert, as we leave Kintyre to explore a bit further. After a wet few days we continue exploring, Kintyre has been lovely but largely lacks Share this:ShareTweetEmail
14th October, 201614th October, 2016 Dave Machrihanish Life The sunshine keeps of coming, it was a good move to come to this part based on the weather forecast, although it’s more likely to Share this:ShareTweetEmail
13th October, 201614th October, 2016 Dave Southend, Kintyre Life Parked overnight outside the cemetery on Kintyre, a perfect spot for seal watching, and to enjoy the sunshine. Carved into stones just off the road Share this:ShareTweetEmail
12th October, 201614th October, 2016 Dave Lochgilphead Life As expected, struggling to find decent mobile signal in these parts. We are now on the Kintyre peninsula. Blog updates may be sporadic! Oban in Share this:ShareTweetEmail
9th October, 201610th October, 2016 Dave Hadrian’s Wall Day 7 – Newburn to Tynemouth Life Our final day on the wall, Kate departed early to return home, and James had foot issues overnight which meant he couldn’t walk. I needed Share this:ShareTweetEmail
8th October, 20169th October, 2016 Dave Hadrian’s Wall Day 6 – Wallhouses to Newburn Life A diversion first thing to collect up the party from Corbridge, a pretty little town with a bridge and baffling road junctions. And a church Share this:ShareTweetEmail
7th October, 20169th October, 2016 Dave Hadrian’s Wall Day 5 – Walwick to Wallhouses Life Little to report here today, dropping down off the craggy ridge and back into farmland, some views to the north but mostly parallel to the Share this:ShareTweetEmail
6th October, 20167th October, 2016 Dave Hadrian’s Wall Day 4 – Twice Brewed to Walwick Life After the full Northumberland cooked breakfast, we had sufficient beans to want to go back to Cawfields where we abandoned the previous days walk. A Share this:ShareTweetEmail