It’s 10th May, and the iPad PreOrdering has commenced in the UK. At 1:30am I successfully placed an order for the iPad 64GB WiFi + 3G and a few accessories. The ordering process was not quite as slick as it might have been. The Apple Store went into maintenance mode at midnight as expected, and was back again at about 12:30am, although there were a number of glitches when trying to navigate through the store. It seemed to go offline again for another 30-45 minutes until about 1:15am when I was able to select the iPad and accessories successfully. I then spent 5 minutes having my credit card declined due to Barclaycard fraud prevention, and so finally completed the order after changing cards.
I’m chuffed to bits that this has finally reached these shores, and wait with baited breath for 28th May when it should arrive on the doorstep!