We grabbed a few extra layers to fend off the cold and climbed about our trusty steeds. I think mine was broken, as it made a very strange bellowing and gurgling noise, accompanied by what appeared to be most of its guts coming out of its mouth like a balloon. Charming. The other two camels were much more lady like.
We travelled a couple of miles across the dunes to our camp for the night, and were shown our ‘room’, a quite well appointed tent with electric light (solar) and conventional beds. Temperature dropping rapidly after the sunset.
We went to the dining tent where we met our two other companions for the night, a Spanish couple. Along the Bernard our French companion, we fortunately found the English was the common language and were able to swap travel tales over dinner.
After food we sat around the campfire whilst our three hosts played drums and sang a couple of traditional songs. We were then asked to make a musical contribution, and so after a couple of verses of Ging-Gang-Ghoolie and Freres Jacques, our Spanish friends proved that they had a much better repertoire, accompanied by hand movements as well a words. No idea what we sang, but it added something to the evening.
After looking at the stars and the embers of the campfire it was off to bed. Cold but with all the clothes on and 6 blankets, not too bad. Morning came at 6am so that we could be on the camels for a sunrise trek back to the hotel for breakfast. Very welcome to have a hot breakfast and hot shower to bring us back to civilisation.