We’ve come away from the coast to the town of Kilmalloc to meet up with Ann, an ex-colleague from back when Mel and I first met. Ann has lived in Ireland for the last 9 years and helps care for her mother. And whilst Josie is wheelchair bound now, she’s still got quite the spirit and glint in the eye, happy to join us to the pub till gone midnight. Good on yer!
We seem to have spent the day eating, coffee first in a hotel, followed by a stroll around some of the ruined churches, lunch in the hotel, a stroll around the graveyard and the current church, ball to the hotel for dinner and then to the pub for a bit of Irish music and a couple of the Guinness.
Look carefully at the pictures of the menu and the pub sign. Titter.
It’s been lovely to catch up with Ann, it’s probably been a good 10 years since we last saw her. Always good for a laugh. See you soon we hope!