[](http://davemeehan.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/photo6.jpg “”)
The stretch between Aubisque and Soulor is really pretty tame when used to cycling on Exmoor. The scenery here wins mind you, although I found the flora very similar to Exmoor and the Quantocks. They don’t put signs like this up at home. Probably need one on Cothelstone Hill, that really is a hill climb!
All of the above taken with the knowledge that I didn’t do the 50 mile approach from Pau which is the usual for a stage of the Tour de France. I’m not that mad!
As you say, the bit of road between the Col D’Aubisque and the Soulor is tame but the way to ride it is from the west: Arete 50-60 miles west, up and over the col de Marie Claire, through Larun and then up the Aubisque!
Call yourself a climber?
Yep, I know I’m a lightweight really!