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Back on the bikes again, the intention being to cycle to Segunto on the coast via the green route. However there was a slight miscalculation. The route stops about 20kms from the coast, meaning that it was more like 50kms each way which was going to be a bit much given that we didn’t get out till 12.
But the route itself is great, a little rough in places and better suited to a mountain bike or hybrid, definitely not for road bikes. I’ve now resolved to cycle up the route in the opposite direction to the mines of Ojos Negros, if I can make it that is. It’s 140kms and of course I need to come back too!
**UPDATE** – Here are some links that describe the route:-
* [Ojos Negros Part 1](http://www.viasverdes.com/GreenWays/Itineraries/Valencia/Castell%F3n%20-%20Valencia/Ojos%20Negros%20I%20Greenway/Description)
* [Ojos Negros Part 2](http://www.viasverdes.com/GreenWays/Itineraries/Arag%F3n/Teruel/Ojos%20Negros%20II%20Greenway/Description)
* [Description of Via Verdes de la Ojos Negros (PDF)](http://davemeehan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/RUTA1_1a21rutas.pdf)
I’m starting from the town of Navajas which is shown in the first section.
The weather forecast is good until Monday when it’s due to rain. I’m expecting 2 days on the outbound, and one on the return. Mind you the gradient doesn’t seem to bad, so it may be one each way.
The only downside is going to be the temperature, particularly at night. Most of the route is going to be over 1000m and the forecast is currently showing -5deg overnight. Given that the intention is to camp, I’m going to have to take extra clothes to keep warm! I also need to find appropriate camping spots. I’m assuming that campsites won’t be where I want them to be, if they are open at all. So I’m expecting to wild camp, but from what I’ve seen of the terrain in Spain so far it’s all rubble strewn or rocky, so it’s questionable if I’ll find somewhere I can get level ground I can get a tent peg in. Worst case I can always try to find a hotel, or just keep peddling! The route is almost entirely traffic free, so no issues with cycling in the dark!
I’m planning on leaving Friday morning, but first a day trip to Valencia!
Are you mad?
I think being away from home for so long has gone to your head and you are losing the plot – are you seriously going to cycle 8 million miles and wild camp at night in minus 5 – it’s insanity!
If you haven’t come to your senses by tomorrow morning, rest assured we will be thinking of you and praying for your safe return…
Yes, I think it may be getting to me! Forecast is currently -3 overnight but +8 during the day, so shouldn’t be too bad. I may resort to wearing my pants on my head to keep my face warm whilst sleeping. Where there’s a will there’s a way!
I shall endeavour to blog regularly with progress assuming they have such a thing as a mobile signal up in the boonies. Or I may use my pigeon fancying skills to relay a message.