How to Reset an Apple Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard, Mouse or Trackpad (Troubleshooting Pairing and Other Common Problems)

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894 thoughts on “How to Reset an Apple Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard, Mouse or Trackpad (Troubleshooting Pairing and Other Common Problems)

  1. For me, after an OSX update, I could not log into my computer because my mac mini would not pair with my mac BT keyboard (like the one in the picture at the top of this post). No matter how long I held the power button, the green light just kept flashing, and anyway, I was unable to go into the settings on the computer, because I could not log in.

    In the end, after some experimentation – I tried to take the batteries out, and put them back in – I tried to reset the computer – it seems like what worked was to take the battery cap, hold down the power button, and replace the battery cap whilst doing so. After that, the keyboard immediately paired. I don’t see why this would work, perhaps it was just removing the battery cap once more which did it, but that’s what happened.

  2. Hi Dave. Enjoy your helpful advice. Finally managed to pair I mac and New wireless keyboard. Finally typing but SO SLOW! Have you any thoughts about possible remedies?

  3. Apple came up trumps and I have managed to pair the keyboard with the I Mac and locate the reason for the slow performance. The keyboard now functions perfectly.

  4. My wireless keyboard and mouse stopped working at the same time. The batteries are fine and I tried your trick here but it didn’t work. This apple keyboard and mouse came with my 27″ imac and even picks up fine on my MacBook Air and iPhone. Neither show up at all on my imac. When I tell the bluetooth on my imac to discover the new devices it just searches over and over and never finds anything. It appears as though my bluetooth is malfunctioning…is there a way to reset it? Update it? Fix it? Thanks!

    1. Jared sorry to hear of the problems. Make sure you remove each device from the Air and ipad as well as the iMac before trying the above trick, or they could be preventing the pairing. If this fails, try pairing any other Bluetooth device with the iMac to establish if the Bluetooth is faulty. You could try a PRAM reset on the iMac if you have a wired keyboard to hand, but not sure this would help, maybe worth a try.

  5. Thanks, keeping the power button pressed while clicking on ‘Continue’ until the code input dialogue appeared, was the solution.

  6. I had this problem. Updated to Mavericks, and first time I rebooted, the Bluetooth Assistant tried to pair my bluetooth wireless keyboard and with my iMac but it said my keyboard was not “discoverable.”

    I couldn’t fuss with anything because I couldn’t login without a KB. Tried various times to reboot the computer to fix problem but nothing worked. Replaced batteries in KB. Didn’t help.

    Not really very technical so figured I would get rid of all accessories and distractions (near by cell phone, etc).

    The I took the batteries out of the keyboard. Shut the iMac off for a minute… then turned it back on. It started looking for a BT keyboard… couldn’t find anything. After a minute I put the batteries back in the KB, and I guess it was the only possible thing around to pair with so it did.

    Didn’t think it would work but it did.

  7. My iMac recognized my keyboard, but the functions keys were performing tasks other than their assigned functions. The settings indicated that I had more “F” keys than the keyboard actually has. I tried this suggestion and it fixed the problem. Thanks!

  8. Thank You VERY MUCH for this! This should be on apple’s website. Wish this page came up higher in search results too. I spent way to much time visiting webpages (Apple’s included) that said a lot of nothing….nothing relevant, anyway. Thanks again!

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