How to Reset an Apple Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard, Mouse or Trackpad (Troubleshooting Pairing and Other Common Problems)

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894 thoughts on “How to Reset an Apple Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard, Mouse or Trackpad (Troubleshooting Pairing and Other Common Problems)

  1. Just as something I did to get my mouse to work.

    My mac mini (latest model) wouldn’t even find my mouse no matter what i did.

    I then tried to check if the bluetooth was actually working so attempted to pair with my phone (android note 2). During the paring process my phone found the mouse and then once i chose that the mac and phone pair my mouse was seen by the mac and paired with no trouble.

    so, try pairing with something else at the same time. it worked for me!

  2. Thank you for saving my day! Couldn’t figure out why my wireless keyboard stopped working. Tried everything and was ready to throw it out and then I came across your simple solution of holding down the power button while pairing. Voila! It worked! Thank you!

  3. Thanks very very much. I had sold my previous iMac but had retained the earlier keyboard (which, due to an oversight, I’d forgotten to unpair from the sold Mac). Was tearing out my hair trying to pair it with new iMac and was even considering buying a new Apple Wireless Keyboard (or the IOGear Multimedia Keyboard) when your solution came along. Saved me money and further frustration…

  4. Dave!
    You saved my day, since 2 weeks every morning starts with the “hatepairing” of this hidious device to the stupid laptop.
    Thank you so much your karma just went up!
    Like einhorn!



  5. Thanks so much for this advice! It worked on my wireless keyboard and mouse, both of which had suddenly and unexplainably stopped being connected to my laptop. Thanks again!

  6. Thanks so much for the tip about rechargeable batteries, I would have never thought of that. Now my trackpad is behaving correctly. Soon, the clumps of hair that I have pulled out trying to diagnose this problem will start to grow back!

  7. HI Dave, I have recently upgraded to OS X Yosemite. Until this morning , my Mac Word worked firn, but suddenly I cannot type anything. Space bar and Tb bar wrks, but no letters/numbers. They do work in other programmes such a s Excel, etc

    1. If the keyboard works in other applications, then the problem seems to be an incompatibility with the Mac Word version you are using. Have you checked to see if there are known issues with Yosemite, or whether patches/upgrades are available?

      1. Thanks Dave. The second reboot worked the trick. I’m not sure where the glitch happened, but there must have been some restriction in either a document or Preferences setup. I have not found anything (yet) of similar nature in the Yosemite community. Regards. Paul

  8. This is not working.
    I don’t have the keyboard where you can just hold the button. It’s more of I have to flip the switch for the keyboard to turn on or off.
    Your methods are lame. They are good if you are talking and have the right keyboard but I don’t. Which is why I’m saying that method in particular is lame. It is stupid beyond compare especially when you don’t have the right keyboard. Please help me community and Dave. I am sorry that I sound mean and all but I really am not mean when I know what I am doing. Please help me Dave or the community. In the meantime I’ll try to figure it out myself. Please help soon. I have to leave at 3ish and it is 12:13 right now.

    1. I can’t say I appreciate your tone. Its quite clear in the article that you need a keyboard with a push power button, not the slide variety, so getting irate at me is a bit illogical.

  9. I am trying to pair my ipad mini to a bluetooth keyboard. But my ipad won’t discover the keyboard. I tried to push the power button for a minute or two , it still wont search qnd connect! Please help!

    1. Sometimes you just need to work very carefully through the options I describe, if you make a tiny mistake it won’t work. Are you sure that the keyboard works (have you tried pairing with something else?)

  10. Thanks! This was making me nuts. I had tried a half-dozen other fixes and numerous reboots without success. This solution — one I’d never seen or heard before — fixed my trackpad on the first try.

  11. Epic!

    My Apple Wireless keyboard randomly stopped working and wouldn’t reconnect. New batteries, system and keyboard resets didn’t help. It just couldn’t be found.

    But your tip did the job! Using the term “reset” in the headline was helpful, as this was exactly what I was searching for – even when it might not be the technically appropriate term.

    Thanks a bunch!

  12. Need mouse reset instructions —

    The title says these instructions apply to mice as well as a keyboard, yet I can’t figure out how to hold down some button while powering up the mouse. I’d love to have mouse-specific instructions; let me tell you why.

    It seems the mouse has a list of devices it tries to connect to. When I power up my mouse, it attempts to connect to a device I once connected to — my phone. My phone has “forgotten” the device. When I power up the mouse, a box shows up on my phone helpfully suggesting would I like to connect this mouse.

    The mouse is not trying to connect to the laptop that I have paired and unpaired with.

    Since the mouse has apparently remembered the phone, I want it to forget & reset, and there must be a way to do that. If you could share that, point to a solution or something…. that would be great! Because I can’t follow the keyboard instructions on the mouse; there’s now separate power button.

  13. Hi!
    I am writing to you from my wireless keyboard – thank’s to you! As my old one was without the letter “t” due to my children’s bless for having snacks and playing games at the same time, I am so graTeful for your TuTorial. Have a pleasant day!

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