[![](http://davemeehan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/photo12.jpg “”)](/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/photo12.jpg “”)
Woke up about 5:30am and a little chilly but not too bad. More to do with the hard floor. For the most part I was warm enough but could have done with something extra on the legs. After a brief climb I passed over the highest point of the Puerto de Escandon and finally I have a downhill stretch. Twice the speed and half the effort. Need to get to Teruel and get some more provisions and then decide how much farther I want to go. I’m not sure I’m realistically going to get to the minds and still have enough time to get back by the end of Sunday. Will see how I get on. The scenery is pretty nice and the route itself very good, almost entirely tarmac.