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Today appeared to be a good day to leave the Carmargue behind, and so we set off in the general direction of Spain. It seemed reasonable to aim for Perpignan by the end of the day, but as ever we got sidetracked and only got half way. Choosing to take the scenic route along the coast, it soon got rather warm now that the wind has dropped to a more respectable level and the sun was shining from a clear blue sky. We took a little detour through the naturist town of Cap d’Agde (known as France’s ‘naked town’), although they all had their clothes on (and so did we!).
Along the coast a bit farther we stopped for a late lunch and decided that was probably enough for one day, so looked for a nearby Aire for the night, leaving sufficient time for a good long stroll along the beach as the sun set over the Pyrenees (it really was that vivid tonight).
Tomorrow we need to top up on LPG before we enter the no-mans-land of Spain (at least as far as LPG goes). We have our sights set on Valencia and have earmarked a couple of campsites, but suspect we will take a little scenic detour along the Pyrenean coastline as we enter Spain, as it could be quite picturesque. I suspect therefore there might be some wild-camping tomorrow night!
The French SIM card has now run out on the iPad (no point in a top up now), which leaves only the iPhone for maps and emails, so I’m going to have to start being frugal on the updates unless I can find wifi, so if things go a bit quiet, do hang in there!
Did you go through the barriers at the Cap? If not, you might have missed the interesting bit!
Congrats on making it to Spain! You have had a fantastic trip so far, and good luck with the next segment!