Montgó was its name. 753 metres to the summit, I’m not sure that qualifies as a [mountain]( but it certainly felt fairly mountainous. Particularly craggy
Deserted Village Outside Dénia
Once we had climbed the hill to the tower, across a small valley we could see an abandoned village. According to one of the info
Relatively relentless rain all last night, compounded by being parked amongst pine trees that conspired to make the rain drops bigger and therefore noisier as
From marathons to mud running – The Extreme Sports Phenomenon
[BBC News – From marathons to mud running]( > Marathon running has been booming for some time, triathlons have flourished recently and now people are
A Gentle Stroll Around Navajas
Not much energy for anything today, just happy to take it easy. I spent most of the morning doing the chores around the van, sweeping
On the Behavior of the iPhone Mute Switch
[On the Behaviour of the iPhone Mute Switch – Daring Fireball]( Cripes, is there intelligent life out there? It’s a frickin ‘mute’ switch, not a
Ojos Negros – Tunnel Vision
Having made the decision to come all the way back, it was interesting passing by the spot I had stayed at last night, and those
Ojos Negros – Aragon’s Amazing Hills
As you cross the border between Valencia and Aragon there are some amazing rock formations, particularly the colours. I’ve decided I will make it back
Ojos Negros – On the Way Back
I’ve decided to head back rather than go all the war to the end of the line. I was probably about 15-20 miles short but
Ojos Negros – Nothing for Miles, Then Mad Max
Ok, so Teruel turned out to be a disappointment. All there was were old station buildings and no town. It was there somewhere off to