Watch Out for the Bulls and Horses

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Bulls and horses being a big part of the local culture, you are reminded that at times they like to let them loose in the streets. I think for markets and fairs, rather than bull running, although there is a statue in the town to Vovo, a seemingly infamous bull from some years ago who seemed to like sticking one (or two) up the locals rear ends. I couldn’t work out from the French info board whether this was officially sanctioned, or if he just liked to get out and wander the town looking for victims (the statue depicts Vovo breaking through a fence, so possibly the later).

**Update**: I [found this]( which seems to tell the story.

Here is the statue of the old chap, and also a picture of him in action.

Vovo, the statue in Saintes Maries de la Mer

Vovo - in action

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