Something of a slog getting to the île de Ré, misleading TomTom satnav directions and slightly dodgy campsites.
Month: November 2011
Our Pitch for the Night
[]( “”) Alas, no electricity here, and we’ve only got 50% in the battery. Need to find a campsite with Internet tomorrow so that
At Last, Cycling in France
[]( “”) I know, I know, second time this year for me! And on the same bit of cycle path (Eurovelo 6). Oh and
Possibly the Worlds Smallest Car
[]( “”) Monsieur Tati would be proud. I swear the guy driving had his knees behind his ears. Still, whatever floats your boat.
The Return to Angers
[]( “”) Having a great day, a quick move of the van this morning to be closer to Angers, coffee, then on the bikes
A Run for the Sun
[]( “”) A grey start. Not what we had in mind. Ok, change of plans, let’s look at the forecast and see if we
Insane, or ‘In Seine’?
[]( “”)
Does It Get Anymore French Than This?
[]( “”) The day started off bright and sunny after a good nights sleep. However, as soon as we departed from Boulogne, the day
Deux Biers, Trés Bon
Might as well start as you mean to go on!
Dunes de la Slack
Already the weather has improved. Nice bit of coastline between Calais and Boulogne, sandy beaches and dunes.