Our last day in Venice on Tuesday, so we took advantage of the sunshine for another wander around, obligatory pizza and wine for lunch in
Just One Cornetto?
A few pictures from Venice. Not seen anyone eating a Cornetto in a Gondola yet, which surely seems odd? Anyway, suffice to say it ranks
Florence (or Firenze?)
One of those places known by two names. And our second time of visiting, as we came here best part of 10 years ago, as
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
First time to Pisa, so there’s an obvious appointment in the diary. Mel had been some years before so had no issue with me coming
Castelnuovo Di Magra
A few brief shots from home for the last three days, the pretty hilltop town of Castelnuovo Di Magra, just inside the border of Liguria,
Travelling light?
You’d think the car in front ought to have packed a little lighter. But then you look at the one to the right. Do you
A Few Parting Shots
The last three date have seen the best weather here so far. Shorts only for the alfresco office, every day was dress down Friday. As
Stone Stacks and Sunsets
I thought I’d share with you some of the creative stone stacks that people have created on the beach near the campsite. These have been
A Stroll and a Selfie
Out for a morning walk along the beach. The last couple of days have been grey with low cloud, but today there is broken cloud,
Mel Flies Home, I Get Robbed
Mel got away without any problems, and reports since that there was no problem with getting back to Somerset on the train, which is all