Lunch Stop above the Col du Soulor
Once I got to the Col du Soulor, which was a pretty easy stretch to be honest, I took the VTT (Velo Tout Terrain) tracks
Col d’Aubisque Tunnel
The Cirque de Litor is a thin strip of Tarmac that hugs the sheer mountain side, with a couple of tunnels bashed through to rock
Stunning Valley Below the Col d’Aubisque
This stretch of road is closed to all traffic from November to May, which means if your naughty like me, you get 6 miles of
Today’s Cycling Adventure – Col d’Aubisque to Col du Soulor, and Back
Follow today’s cycling adventure as it happens – assuming I have mobile signal! Cycling along the narrow corniche that hugs the mountain edge, the views
The Col de Portalet
The end of the drive was the Col de Portalet, which also marks the border between France and Spain. Around the Col is a lovely
An Evening Drive Up the Valley
After the cycling adventure we decided against staying by the lake for the night. Being in a steep sided valley the sun had gone early
Mission Accomplished! One Col in the Bag
Well, all safely back to base. 2 hours up, plus stopping time for lunch and admiring of views, then only 15 minutes to get back
The View From the Top
Well worth the effort!
Start to Hit the Snow Line
Safer walking up this, it’s very icy!